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          首頁 > 家裝 > 興安陳宅復式裝修設計


          項目名稱:興安陳宅 復式裝修設計

          設計單位:弎島空間制造所 Santo Studio








          試圖想象一天的起居、工作,都在同一個空間內進行,想來略感壓迫,失去界限感,然而透過因時制宜的調配,居者能自在切換不同時段的生活節奏,復式裝修設計亦破除住宅空間的既定框架,人們常追求的Work-life balance,于此轉為Work-life integration。

          Try and imagine a context where living and working take place within the same space; this may feel constricting, blurring the boundaries between work and life. Yet, with flexible arrangements, occupants can smoothly switch between various daily life routines, liberating themselves from the pre-determined confines of residential space. The widely sought-after work-life balance seamlessly evolves into work-life integration.


          Considering the homeowner's career in the technology sector and the demands of remote work, including frequent meetings spanning diverse time zones, the entire residence has been integrated into a smart system. This system links air conditioning, lighting and curtains, establishing modes tailored for the daily commute. The outcome is a dwelling that seamlessly combines office necessities with residential functionality well suited to the post-pandemic era.

          復式裝修設計透過利落量體及線條,構建基礎生活單元,并以中性色調鋪敘理性語匯,大片留白撫平思緒同時賦予空間更多彈性想象。純白方盒里,記錄著時間軸段,亦在光影之間,呈像不同景序,包羅相異使用機能,實踐Work is life and life is work的復合住居型態。

          Utilizing sleek volumes and lines, we've re-imagined fundamental living quarters, employing neutral color tones to articulate a rational design vocabulary. Extensive white spaces calm the mind and impart greater flexibility to the space. Within the pure white cubes, different temporal sequences are recorded, capturing diverse scenes in the interplay of light and shadow. By perfectly accommodating various functions, the design embodies a hybrid living style where work is life and life is work.

          調換配置 延攬風光入室

          Drawing in the splendid outdoors: optimizing layout configuration


          In the original layout, the living and dining areas were situated on the side near the entrance, lacking sufficient natural light as they faced the rear alley. To address this, the layout and circulation were re-organized by swapping positions, allowing the public areas to face the park side, integrating the entrance, living room, dining area and kitchen along the same axis. The front and rear balconies were connected, creating a seamless pathway that invites natural light into the interior, enhancing air circulation. This design significantly reduces the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning usage, contributing to energy conservation.

          舊屋翻新 強化隔音防水

          Renovating aging residences: strengthening soundproofing and waterproofing


          The project involves a residence dating back more than 35 years, thus requiring a comprehensive overhaul, including restructuring the entire layout, updating plumbing and addressing soundproofing and waterproofing concerns. Given the building's configuration as a multi-story unit in a mid-rise apartment building and taking into account the homeowner's frequent need for remote meetings, special attention was given to soundproofing. Soundproofing materials were applied throughout the entire space, ensuring that the activities on the seventh floor wouldn't disturb the neighbors below, reducing noise interference when working on the eighth floor. Addressing structural issues such as rusting in beams and columns due to the aging of the building and leaks from neighbor’s water pipes was an indirect benefit of this project, resolving various related root issues within the building.

          深淺對比 勾勒空間輪廓

          Deep contrasts: outlining profound spatial contours


          In response to the homeowner's preference for minimalist simplicity. Large areas of walls and ceilings were adorned with a pristine white base, while the void spaces, equipment cables and furniture within the space were complemented with shades of black and gray. This color scheme highlights the spatial contours and minimalist elements. Furthermore, the ambience of the environment was enhanced by leveraging the natural texture of materials and the delineation of cabinet lines to outline invisible axes. Paired with consistent color tones and customized lighting, the overall sense of weight and balance was achieved to ensure optimum comfort.

          玄關 Foyer


          Taking into account the holistic integrity of the space and choosing easily maintainable tiles, we refrained from creating a specific area at the entrance to delineate the indoors and outdoors. Instead, we incorporated a built-in shoe bench and a spacious storage cabinet, defining the distinctive character of the space. Extending seamlessly from the shoe bench to the corner of the vertical surface, the entire cabinet not only fulfills current storage needs but also considers the potential requirements of future family members, offering versatile storage functionality. Additionally, to maintain a clean and consistent visual aesthetic, the cabinet doors were designed without handles, utilizing translucent core materials to minimize the prominent black lines on the panels. This design concept extends from the cabinets to the walls, creating a cohesive and streamlined visual effect.


          設計收費:1500 元/平             

          擅長類型: 家裝,豪宅,別墅,辦公室



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