項目名稱 Project Name
深圳· 氿間房現代潮菜Shenzhen RoyalRoom Clubhouse
項目地址 Location
Shenzhen, China
設計單位 Design Company
廣東極度空間酒店設計有限公司JDKJ Design
主案設計師 Chief Designer
輔助設計師 Assistant Designer
Yiqing Lin, Zijie Deng, Keren Zhong, Jianyu Huang, Jie Li, Danfeng Huang
項目面積 Area
1800 Square Meters
20 million
完工時間 Completion time
September 19, 2023
業主名稱 Client Name
Shenzhen Longyu Catering Culture Management Co., Ltd
項目攝影 Photographer
彥銘視覺藝術(深圳)工作室Yanming Visual Art (Shenzhen) Studio
Shenzhen RoyalRoom Clubhouse: Blending Poetry and Painting to Inspire Culinary Art in Nine Realms
“九”是中國歷史中最富文趣的數字,《說文解字》有言,“九,陽之變也。 象其屈曲究盡之形。 凡九之屬皆從九”。 九既象征著最深、最大、最廣的界域,也與節氣、數理、天象息息相關。 潮菜餐廳設計項目在創意之初便決定以“九”為源頭活水,延伸無際的創意與變化。 又因“廳房凡九,五行濟之以水”一言,為空間定名為“氿間房”。
The Number Nine holds great significance in the history of Chinese culture. According to "Shuowen Jiezi," it represents the change of Yang energy and embodies the concept of curvature and exhaustion. All qualities associated with the number nine are derived from this symbolism. Furthermore, nine symbolizes the deepest, largest, and widest boundaries, and has strong connections to festivals, numerology, and celestial phenomena. As the project commenced, the decision was made to adopt "nine" as the wellspring of inspiration, allowing for limitless creativity and evolution. The name "Streak Room" also draws inspiration from the proverbial saying, "There are nine rooms in a hall, and the five elements are nourished by water."
“兩岸猿聲啼不住,輕舟已過萬重山”,設計師將詩詞意韻揉碎在設計之間,向上延展的流線立柱如同寫意筆法,在空間中留下流光溢彩的畫跡;獨立舟頭的文人形象恰如隱逸山間的仙者,自空谷中超然獨立。 沿溪谷而行,尋綠苔深入,一次飲食體驗被設計暈染為游園漫旅,空間氛圍分外舒朗風雅,別有意興。
"The apes on both sides of the river can't stop crying, and the light boat has already crossed ten thousand mountains." The designer skillfully infuses poetic meaning into the design, where the upward-extending streamlined columns resemble brushstrokes, imparting vibrant paintings into the space. The depiction of literati figures at the helm of individual boats evokes the presence of hidden immortals nestled within mountains, embodying a sense of independence amidst the vast emptiness. Following the path along the valley, akin to searching for green moss in the depths, the designed culinary experience unfolds as a colorful garden tour. The spatial ambiance exudes exceptional comfort and elegance, while carrying a profound and symbolic significance.
The twisted and knotted pines and cypresses create a captivating sight as we stroll along the promenade, casting intriguing shadows against the lattice and showcasing the allure of the profound hall.
To establish a striking visual juxtaposition with the interior, the lobby and corridor eschew the conventional complex lighting and instead emphasize the darker areas of the space. Through the interplay of shadows and natural light as the focal point, the breath of nature and the presence of artifacts harmoniously merge within the space, giving birth to each element and instilling a sense of surprise as the illumination gradually unveils the clarity and enlightenment of light and shadow.